Sunday, March 16, 2008

soon I might begin to exist again

well I was feeling a bit bummed out from being sick for so long, but I think I'm gonna be over that tommorow, maybe not the sick, but the bummed outedness.

The Fact is, I have stuff that needs taking care of, and its alot and I don;t have time to be mopin around like a fish whose friends got eaten by a octopus.

its time to take charge and get this shit done.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Do you really want to know how to turn a penny into a pieta?

I bet you do, but you'll have to wait to find out.

I'm much to busy doing things like drawing people that do and don't exist, beating up poor defenseless pieces of metal, and making/mixing music with a variable success rate.

I' am considering editing this later with pictures of recent drawings, perhaps one I did of my father while we were at a restaurant, however, given the location its a touch wonky. It did scan well though so we'll see.

I've been spending alot of time goign back and forth between very graphic drawing and very not graphic drawing, and I think its helping me in some ways, but I wouldn't be to surprised if its destroying other aspects of my hand in drawing. I guess only time will tell.

I had the intention to fix a song I had been making tonight so I think I'll step to that for now.